"Is This For Real"

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Oregon, United States
Hi, I'm vanessajean and I am currently experimenting with social networking so I thought it would be fun to have my own blog. You run into alot of information on the internet and some of it is off the hook so I thought that I would blog some of it for entertainment and stone cold reality. I'm a single mother of two wonderful teenagers,right now they are with there dad, we kinda just share them,I don't believe that legalities are necasary when it comes to kinds unless theres a threat and my kinds are perfectly happy with the situation so we just share no schedules just love and time. Please feel free to comment on any of the posts I have thats what there for (LOL)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Fallen Angel"

Early in the beggining years of Poisons fame (1980's) "Fallen Angel"
had already made an impact, before the song ever became a multimillion
dollar recording selling on the smashing hit album "Look What the Cat
Dragged In" Bret Michael, C.C Deville, Bobby Dall, and Rickie Rockett
had already saved the life of a 12 year old girl that was lost in the
world, Whom six years later became a mother of 2 very precious
Without the dedication to music (which these guys where excellent at
together) along with their drive for success and fame to become rockers
these precious children would never of been born.
The dreams of rockstar strangers was heavin' sent for this lost
little girl: with only visuals of falling from where ever she could
look down from, accidentally fallin in front of that car, just curlin
up and not breathin'.Having nowhere to turn but to the music saved not
only her life but the beautiful babies that where later brought into
this world.
Listening to a repetition relentlessly over and over looking for a
reason to be, (found in the lyrics), on the bus ride across the country
embedded a will to make it, of striving and making it, The sound of
music is a blessing for more than her and her children. the lyrics od
"Fallen Angel" played over and over for its all she had to keep her
going. There was "something in the music" that gave her the drive to
live.If music can save these lives I'm convinced that it has saved many
others as a matter of fact I know it has. The energy that music puts
out is phenominal, it has an energy and healing force that is so
powerful. It should be more globally acknowledged.
A Real Live "Fallen Angel" was saved by this miraculous band "Poison"
consisting of Bret Michaels, C.c. Deville, Rickie Rockett, and Bobby
Dall: whom went on hitting an all time record deal in L.A. where they
proceeded to sell 25 million records Poisons first hit record "Look What the Cat Dragged In" saved this
girls life as she was unconciously aware that she broken (so to speak),
Angellove, got a second chance without Bret and the rest of the crew
knowing they saved her.
She was raised wrong, was all she kept hearing until she got the
drive that this crew had going for them, which in the end, made these
boys famous world wide. All Angellove had was a bus ticket and a bag of clothes, and ticket
home,(Wheres that?) as the girl in the song also only had. Her mom was
in jail and her dad didn't think she was raised right (she was in love
with an older boy) daddy didnt like that much.How could a father not
want his daughter? Mom, was in jail for a couple of years.Angellove
didn't have a clue where she was gonna go. As far as Angellove could
see, if (Poisons) "Fallen Angel" could make it so could she.
Dropped of by a Greyhound in Portland, Oregon she was determined to
make it after days on the bus hearing this song. Although she didnt
want it all,(as the real "Fallen Angel " did, all she did want was to
Listenining to Bret Micheals of (Poison) at the time, gave her the
hope that saved her from that finalizing jump. Little did "Bret" know
that she would grow up to become an Energy Healer. During his tramatic
times Angellove, got wind of his brain hemorrage and later on stroke,
and is now dedicated to seeing that "God" hears her prayers of saving
the man that saved her. I believe through enough prayers and good
energy he will recover 100% and then some. If focused on repairing his
own body its amazing the damage that can be healed thrue a focus of
energy regeneration. I don't believe that this damage was suppose to of
happened therefore I believe that "God" is workin on it extra hard,
especially as much as, this now grown up stronger than ever not so
little girl (anymore) prays for his recovery along with the rest of the
world that is also dedicated and loving this rock star, family man,
celebrity appretice winner, and just all around awsome guy.
This is just a one on one story that angelove and me shared there is
no backing up of this story just the true mission of a heart felt
thanks to Bret and the rest of the crew of (Poison),they are truly
heavin' sent. God bless and keep rockin the world!! Music is the answer
to life, there's sumthin' in it: good old fashion, "ENERGY"

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