"Is This For Real"

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Oregon, United States
Hi, I'm vanessajean and I am currently experimenting with social networking so I thought it would be fun to have my own blog. You run into alot of information on the internet and some of it is off the hook so I thought that I would blog some of it for entertainment and stone cold reality. I'm a single mother of two wonderful teenagers,right now they are with there dad, we kinda just share them,I don't believe that legalities are necasary when it comes to kinds unless theres a threat and my kinds are perfectly happy with the situation so we just share no schedules just love and time. Please feel free to comment on any of the posts I have thats what there for (LOL)

Sunday, May 30, 2010


come check out my twitter page,

1 comment:

  1. Been one heluva night, Herte I'm sitting minding my own thoughts, then wamo. I got these crazy ideas on how to fix this and that and chat and promote'andmarket,love all at the same time what gives here I am at the original blog I made a year ago. G figure I'm straight askin myself Is this really fof Fu***** Real. I'm so lost and this computer is so slow .I'm straight lost in my own unlinkable links. CALGON:)
